
Networking Trip to Belfast for Estonian Music Companies

From September 28th to 30th, in collaboration with UNESCO City of Music Tallinn and Music Estonia, a networking trip to Belfast will take place to explore the local music scene and establish connections. We invite Estonian music companies to apply for the trip until Thursday, September 5th (inclusive). Five companies will be selected to participate.

The partner for the networking trip is Belfast City Council, which coordinates the activities of UNESCO City of Music Belfast. The coordinator from Music Estonia is Greete Paršin.

What will participants receive?

  • Music Estonia will partially cover travel and accommodation costs. Participants can receive travel support of up to €700 based on a fixed amount (partial reimbursement of travel expenses based on invoices).
  • On-site meetings with representatives from up to seven music companies.
  • A local networking event.
  • The opportunity to participate in a panel at a Belfast Music Board event.
  • In addition to the networking trip, Ireland Music Week will also be taking place in Dublin at the same time, for which Music Estonia can offer a discount code.’

Support will be provided based on an invoice issued by the company and the submission of expense documents (VAT will not be added to the invoice).

What costs will participants incur?

Participants are responsible for covering any costs beyond the provided support, including additional travel, accommodation, or on-site expenses.

Who can apply?

Music companies registered in Tallinn that already have ongoing export activities in the UK market, neighboring countries, or a well-thought-out plan to start operating there. The number of places is limited, so we prefer to select one representative from each company. If there are available spots, more participants from a company may be considered. Up to five companies will be selected, with the selection made by a committee formed by Music Estonia.

How to apply?

To apply, please fill out the short questionnaire HERE.

In the questionnaire, we ask you to briefly outline your company’s/artist’s plans, export activities in the UK market, and interest in participating in the networking trip.

The application deadline is September 5th (inclusive) until 23:59.

If you have any questions, please write to

Music is one of Belfast’s biggest export industries. Belfast has recently been recognized as a UNESCO City of Music due to its rich heritage and the many year-round festivals covering all types of music in various venues. Belfast Music is developed by the Belfast Music Board, which consists of 26 representatives. We will meet all of them at the networking event and, based on the profile of the participants from Estonia, we will also select local company visits.

For more details, see: Belfast Region Music Board Bios – Final

Learn more about Belfast’s music activities and leadership here:

The networking trip is supported by UNESCO City of Music Tallinn.